An update in a nutshell

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Posted by: Heather Leiggi 4/29/2015 3:32 PM

It's been way too long and so much has happened. Instead of bore you will all the details, I'm going to give you the short and sweet version to get you all updated. And hopefully now that life has settled down, I'll have some time to keep my blog a little better updated.

In October, my season ended. Upon reflection, I decided it was time to make a coaching change. Lots of soul searching went into this decision as it is never easy but in order for continued progress, I felt it was time. I am now with QT2. The training has been wildly different and very challenging. I've loved and hated it all at the same time :)

In January my husband and I moved. No matter how well organized you are or how much time you have to prepare, moving is always stressful, time consuming, and overwhelming. All things considered, the move went without incident and we now call Delaware home. Yes...I now refer to my home by state and not city. There is a lot to miss about Philadelphia but we are excited about living in Delaware. Lots of great roads for riding and running, farmers markets, beaches, tax-free shopping....

In February, I left for QT2 pro camp in Florida. Not much time to enjoy the new house but I was excited to join my new coach and new teammates at this infamous camp. It lived up to it's name. It was probably one of the hardest 17 days of my life!  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and after a few weeks of serious recovery, I was more fit than I had ever been.

I got 2 more weeks at home before heading out of town again for my first race of the season. Ironman South Africa. I was excited for a chance to test out my fitness, execute a new race plan, and get some redemption after last year's attempt at ironman. Unfortunately, luck was not on my side. I ended up with a stomach bug the night before the race and did not make it to the starting line. Totally and utterly devastating. I could go on and on about how much this race meant to me, how far I had to travel, how hard I had worked but it really won't change what happened. I do believe everything happens for a reason.  So, i sucked it up and managed to enjoy my remaining time in South Africa before returning home.

And that brings us up to present day...Time to re-find my direction.  

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